Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Denver Parks and Rec + DDP: The Future of Denver's Outdoor Spaces

From our inbox today:

We are requesting YOUR input: 
Please Join Us for Denver's Outdoor Downtown Public Meeting

Help shape the future of OUTDOOR spaces in Downtown Denver! Come join us in the early stages of developing a long-term vision for how your parks and public spaces will contribute to a thriving and move livable downtown. Denver Parks and Recreation and the Downtown Denver Partnership are seeking input from Downtown residents, workers, and everyone that visits and uses outdoor spaces. 
Why should you attend? 
  • Learn about the project goals and influences of past plans
  • Tell us how you use outdoor spaces in the Downtown-area and what you think is needed in the future
  • Share your ideas and knowledge
  • Be a part of a community discussion that will shape the future of our city! 

Meeting Date: Tuesday, December 9
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Oxford Hotel, 1659 Wazee Street - Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. McNichols Civic Center Building, 144 West Colfax - 3rd Floor
PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD: This meeting is open to everyone and we strongly encourage you to share this invitation with your co-workers, colleagues, fellow residents and anyone else that may be interested.

More Information About the Denver's Outdoor Downtown Plan
The Downtown Denver Partnership and the City and County of Denver Department of Parks and Recreation are co-leading a new planning process that will be the first plan that comprehensively addresses all aspects of Downtown parks and public spaces. The title of the plan is Denver’s Outdoor Downtown: Turning Urban Spaces into Thriving Places.
Successful public spaces define a downtown. If they are healthy and activated, they contribute to the economic prosperity of an area. If they are “broken” they negatively impact the identity of the area, public safety and the ability to attract and retain businesses.
The Downtown Denver Partnership, together with the Downtown Denver Business Improvement District, has long been engaged in the maintenance, activation and redevelopment of our Downtown parks and public spaces. Examples include:
  • Redevelopment, maintenance and activation of Skyline Park.
  • Funding events, police and driving policy for Civic Center.
  • Advocating for the creation of Commons Park.
  • Undertaking all aspects of maintaining and activating the 16th Street Mall.
  • Helping shape the design and maintenance of Wynkoop Plaza. 
When the Partnership and the City developed the 2007 Downtown Area Plan, one of the five key vision elements was creating "A Green City"---which addressed the importance of strategies and plans for Downtown parks and public spaces. This planning process is a significant result of that goal – it will truly shape the future of our public spaces, and we encourage you to attend and share this invitation with your co-workers, colleagues, fellow residents and anyone else that may be interested.

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