Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Caffeinated Mornings: Natural Systems

Caffeinated Mornings event program announces Natural Systems, a breakfast presentation by Mike Moore of Tres Birds Workshop.  Starting 9am at


2060 Broadway #100BBoulderCO 80302

See you there!


Monday, October 28, 2013

PKND: Volume 20 is here!

PKN Vol 20 & Denver Arts Week

November 2nd | 8:00 PM

At the Mcnichols Civic Center Building | 144 West Colfax

Presenters include:
Monica Aiello

Kick off Denver Arts Week with Pecha Kucha Night Denver! Volume 20 will be an exploration of the vibrant Denver visual arts scene with speakers that include artists that are staples of both the Denver and international art community.

Join us afterwards to mingle with our fabulous speakers! Registration is required as space is limited.

A big hats off to Lisa Gedgaudas and the other folks over at Mcnichols Civic Center Building for making this PKN possible. Thanks guys!

A big thanks to our sponsor NINE dot ARTS!