Monday, January 28, 2013

Brian MacKay-Lyons on Nine to Noon Radio show

Somewhat slow on the draw, but an excellent phone interview with brian Mackay-Lyons on new Zealand Radio:

Brian MacKay-Lyons on Nine to Noon

He discusses Ghost Lab, wood shingles like duck feathers, dormers as "house barnacles", and a cantilevered house as cost-effective design....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pecha Kucha Night Denver: Volume 16

In my inbox today.  
Note that this next PK night Denver will be hosted at our office.

Hope to see you there!

For those of you who plan ahead, mark your calendars for PechaKucha Night Denver Vol 16 on February 26th, 2013

Semple Brown Design
1160 Santa Fe Drive, Denver

Presentations will start at 7:30pm
Free / $5 suggested donation

We'll be co-hosting the event with Modern In Denver magazine.

In case you haven't seen, PechaKucha has a new website:

Contact us if you are interested in helping out, presenting, hosting, designing a poster, or a suggestion on what we can do differently.

Special thanks to Martha Weidmann at Nine Dot Arts for emceeing

Nine Dot Arts is a corporate art consulting firm that helps you tell your company's story through art.

Check out what they do at

Special thanks to ASMP Colorado for providing the A/V equipment.

ASMP is the premier trade association for the world’s most respected photographers. Looking for a photographer? Check out their newly updated Find a Photographer search engine.